Friday, August 7, 2009

Checking this out...

This ISN'T my first blog, but I haven't kept one up since I was a teenager (on livejournal)...

since I did that, I have:

graudated high school (7 years ago)

graduated a short college program (4 years ago)

found my dream job, which had nothing to do with my college program (3.5 years ago)

bought a house (3 years ago)

gotten married (3 years ago)

been diagnosed as infertile (3 years ago)

became a foster parent (2 years ago)

discovered that my dream job was nothing in comparison to staying home with my children, and quit said dream job (2 years ago)

got pregnant (1 year ago)

developed a bizarre addiction to cloth diapers (1 year ago)

birthed my first baby, third child (8 months ago)

got the most shocking phone call of my life that there was a new baby girl coming to live with us (4 months ago)

moved, yet again, because our first home was now too small for our four children (1 month ago)


  1. Hi - First, thanks for reading my blog :) 2nd- are you sill fostering your children or did you adopt outright, or did you do fostering to adopt? We're still trying to get a grip on the logistics of all of that. Congratulations on having your own pregnancy too, even though we've been unsuccessful in our pregnancy attemps, we still want to have biological children as well as foster/adoption. Now THAT was wordy! :)

  2. Hey! You responded to my thread about why your husband is so great on the BlogFrog over at MckMama's! Wow...what a story you have to tell! I am looking forward to keeping up with your goings on! :)

  3. Stopped in from the blog hop anddecided to read a little more. Hope you keep writing, I would love to hear more about fostering children. That is something I have been interested in. Wishing you well.
