Monday, August 17, 2009

Not Me Monday

Not Me Monday is a blog carnival birthed by MckMama, copied by her many obsessive loving readers (I am certainly not one of them! Nope! Not me!)

This week I did not give in to the children and help my husband bring the big TV back upstairs from the basement so I could have a few minutes of peace and quiet without them whining that they wanted to watch TV or beating on each other. I would never let them spend time mindlessly watching TV when they could be doing something productive like helping Mama bake or colouring or reading books!

I also did not wake up on Saturday to see that the rain had knocked tons of apples off my tree, and proceed to pick up all the ones that still looked okay, clean them up, and make a couple dozen jars of apple-rhubarb jelly. I would never make jelly out of something that had fallen on the ground!

I did not neglect the laundry this week to the point that I ran out of pants. I am always on top of the laundry, and even if I were to get a little bit behind somehow, I most certainly would not resort to wearing a pair of maternity jeans and find myself wishing I could have another baby because they are so much more comfy!

I most certainly did not get so sick of trying to keep up with everything that I finally called the housekeeping service to book someone for an hour a week. I love cleaning my house, and am always on top of things on my own and never wish that I could just take a day off from cleaning once and awhile!

Now that I got all that off my chest, you should head on over to MckMama's blog to see what everyone else has not been doing all week, and grab all the stuff you need to join in the fun!

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